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  • Kerstin Lindquist

Which Decision Do You Make?

Which Decision Do You Make?

As servants, as children of the Lord, we are instructed to follow His calling, but what happens when you can’t hear him? When you can’t see the path, He wants you to take? You’re on board for letting him lead the dance but you can’t see the steps?

Quick review; His plan is better than ours, always. We may not feel that way when our hopes are crushed or what we yearned for isn’t attained, but over time, the plan He has will ultimately serve His purpose. And His purpose is why we are here. If you’re on top of concept, then what comes next will be easier.

There are times when you will hear the holy spirit. When the small still voice inside you is nudging you to something, often uncomfortable. That’s our Lord speaking! Congrats what an amazing experience you just had. Don’t you dare ignore it. In order to have this experience you need to get still. You need to find quiet and time alone with our Lord. If you aren’t doing that on a regular, daily basis that’s your first step to hearing where and what He has planned for you. But in other times of crossroads, He may seem silent. The answer to “What step do I take next?” isn’t necessarily going to be readily recognizable. There won’t always be a clear answer from our Lord. It’s not that He isn’t there, He is always right by your side. It could be that He is allowing you to make the right decision whatever that is. Here’s the key in this case. You need to honor Him in the path you choose to take. He wants to bless you beyond what you even imagine. “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work “ 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV) He longs to open the gates of heaven and have his blessings and abundance overflow on your earthly life. We often so expect the worst, when He is preparing the best. He just needs you to take the steps to unload those storage rooms so He can fill them with treasure. Taking the steps is honoring Him.

When I was praying for a baby, he gave me two. When I was begging to hold on to my job, He had a better plan, for me to leave and find the career of my dreams.

“…none of the good promises the Lord your God made to you has failed. Everything was fulfilled for you; not one promise has failed.” Joshua 23:14 (CSB) Fill in your experience. Go ahead, write it down, in fact write them all down. What did you pray for, but our father ended up blessing you above and beyond?

In some situations, His plan is to see you through whatever path you take. As long as you are honoring the Lord in the decision, He will bless the road. Don’t automatically assume He is going to reveal to you the path. We get so stuck there. Waiting for the elusive sign or the easy decision, believing that is the Lords work. But His work and your work are often one in the same. He has equipped you, over time to make decisions and take chances knowing that He will be with you along the way, no matter what, as long as you are honoring Him.

Put it in action:

· Make sure you have adequate quiet time with the Lord. Create that space and time each day to read his word, talk to Him and be open to hear His instruction.

· Evaluate your options based on how they further the kingdom of heaven. If one seems to outweigh the other in glorifying the Lord, then there is your answer

· Don’t wait for it to be easy. He needs you to trust Him even in the hard. That huge blessing may be just on the other side of your fear.

· Take some time to write down all the times God blessed you in a huge way, beyond what you had even expected. I keep these on stickie notes on my bulletin board and written on the last page of my planner. Whenever I feel like something isn’t going to work out or worry and fear creeps in, I look back and remember when God provided in the past.

· Trust yourself and trust the Lord. As long as you are honoring Him in this decision it is the right decision!

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